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Since we started Altrincham HQ 10 years ago, it has been Twitter that I’ve had a constant love affair with

In the 1st of a series we take a look at interesting Twitter accounts to follow, why I find them interesting and the key lessons you can take away from them

These accounts won’t necessarily be business accounts, but there are lessons you can take from them to help grow your business and after each feature we highlight key takeaways from each account

It's Your Wales Twitter Account

It’s Your Wales – @itsyourwales
It’s Your Wales is all about growth and success for Wales by engaging and empowering people and their communities. It’s about promoting and supporting social value, providing a shared digital space for people who make a difference and

have a positive social impact within their community.

I think of one word when I look at It’s Your Wales twitter account – beauty

We’ve come to thing of Twitter as the platform for wordsmiths, but It’s Your Wales has the feel good positivity of Instagram where every single post is a post of absolute beauty and perfection

Mainly based around User Generated content they tap in the idea that we’re all tourists and we can all visit these places of beauty on our doorstep (well 2 hours drive away from Manchester)

And for myself it also latches on to nostalgia

Everyone in Manchester and Chester used to go to Anglesey and Wales as a child before holiday prices abroad became affordable for all

It’s Your Wales makes me want to skip Spain or Turkey for a year and visit somewhere closes to home

That’s what great social media accounts do – they make you want to do something

Key Takeaway: Twitter and be a place of beauty and you should take time on photos as well as words

Lewis Capaldi Twitter Account
Lewis Capaldi @LewisCapaldi

Back in November 2017 I responded to the BBC Sounds Of 2018 Longlist tipping Khalid out of everyone on the list

And Lewis Capaldi who was also on the list responded so I replied “I feel guilty now I’ve chosen one over the others – will listen to you now Lewis” and conversation carried on “don’t be silly haha, not sure how i’m even on here to be

honest, such an honour! hope you like the tunes! x”

He didn’t need to respond, but he did

The rest as they say is history

Lewis now has over half a million Twitter followers, a number 1 album and Capaldi is totally dominating twitter

Whilst the songs themselves are heartfelt ballads, Capaldi essentially spends the rest of his time on twitter d**king around

Like James Blunt he know’s that Twitter is a powerhouse to go viral

It’s the fact that Capaldi doesn’t take himself too seriously that really draws people towards him – he’s the sort of person you’d want to go for a pint with

Key Takeaway: Be more human on social media, have a bit of fun and draw people in

WHS Carpet Twitter Account
WHS Carpet – @WHS_Carpet

WH Smiths used to be great in the late 80’s / early 90’s

Like many it used to be the 1st store I visited in town for computer games on the Commodore 64

And then it went absolute sh*te and the only the time you ever visit a WH Smiths is in a train station or airport where you felt taken advantage of

WHS Carpet on twitter will be looked back on in 5 years when WH Smith disappears from the high street

In the meantime it’s a hilarious account that retweets customer photos and comments of where things go laughably wrong in WH Smith

If WH Smith wanted to save their highstreet stores they’d pay the WHS Carpet account for every tweet which highlights what is going wrong and correct it. But I don’t feel they really care enough about the high street

Key Takeaway: Build something niche that everyone else is thinking and people will get involved

Twitter Twitter Account
Twitter – @Twitter

In terms of promoting engagement on Twitter – the official Twitter account used to be pretty bad. Ok, really bad

And in the last year or so it’s really found it’s way of baiting engagement

It’s one of only a handful of accounts I actually have set up for notifications on twitter because I love how random their updates can be

One of their most recent tweets at the time of writing this blog is simply 2 words: “Underrated Tweet”

It has 1.7k replies, 4.1k retweets and 29k likes

One a couple of days previously is simply “If you’re reading this Tweet you’re running late”

It’s almost like the social media marketer for Innocent Drinks has taken over Twitter’s account

Key Takeaway: Open Questions and Open Statements always get a response

Whether it’s music, community, comedy, business or any niche accounts

I’d love to hear about your favourite Twitter accounts and why

Email us on or drop a comment below

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7 Tips For 7 Social Networks

Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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