Altrincham HQ Services

Twitter Training
in Manchester

Twitter Training is a huge part of what we do at Altrincham HQ

In the past 12 months we’ve trained over 2000 people and Twitter has been a large part of that

Who attends our Twitter Training?

Whether it be B2B businesses who are using LinkedIn, but want to know more about twitter…. be it a B2C business that have been using Facebook for many years, but doesn’t have a clue about twitter

Each month we reach over 500,000 screens via Twitter alone

For many businesses twitter has become a prime driver in both awareness and sales with businesses we’ve worked with crediting 30% of their business to twitter

We’ve worked with SME’s and small businesses to FTSE 250 sized companies

Businesses such as the BBC, Manchester City, United Utilities, Manchester Arndale, NHS, Selfridges, University Of Manchester, Manchester Museum, The Midland Hotel has all had Social Media Training from Altrincham HQ

Twitter Training – What is covered in brief?

  • Linking Your Twitter Strategy with your business goals and aims
  • Developing an effective marketing message for twitter
  • Delivering it in a time efficient manner
  • Measuring The Return on Investment Of your Twitter Marketing
  • Developing your twitter tool kit – handy websites and apps which will blow your mind
  • Using Twitter Analytics to improve your marketing

Twitter Training – In Depth

While each Twitter Training Session is unique to each business, it does cover 3 core areas that are interlinked throughout!!!

Developing Your Marketing Message

280 characters to get a marketing message across is a daunting task for anybody whether they’re tech literate or not

How many of you for instance have attending business networking meetings where a 40 seconds round becomes a full blown business presentation of the benefits of using their business?

How many of you love what you do as a business but struggle to articulate it the right way when you’re sat at a keyboard?

As a former journalist the core of our training is focused on getting across the right message to the right people at the right time to create the desired effect

Each sector of business is different and each business within that sector needs to stand out and be original

The core of our training is to give you an authentic voice which represents your business, avoids zeitgeist marketing and gives value to those that choose to follow you

Time Management of Twitter

Time is precious – end of – it doesn’t matter whether you’re a start up business, an established business there are always demands on your time and often twitter is seen as something overwhelming that will take over your life

Even self-confessed twitter geeks like ourselves who love spending time on twitter need time off for both business and socialising

A core element of the Twitter Training is time management and how to condense your Social Media activity to just 30 minutes a day and still get great results

Recently we wrote a blog on a local business that was spending an hour a day / 7 days a week on Social Media and still not getting results – you can read the blog HERE, but with some expert advice this should not be happening

Measuring The ROI of Twitter

And last, but not least – the ROI of twitter marketing and social media in general!

Twitter is fun, it is engaging and and there is a huge social element to it as well as business


This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be measuring the actual business return you get from it – be it £££s of extra business gained, exposure and traffic driving

Going back to the marketing message this should be linked with your overall business goals and it should be measure both stand alone and how it compares to other marketing channels you do

We have simple but effective system to do this

Book Now

If you’d like to book now or have questions don’t hesitate to contact us on 07806 774279 or email ALEX@ALTRINCHAMHQ.CO.UK

If you’re not ready for Social Media Training – but maybe interested in the future – please join our mailing list here HTTP://EEPURL.COM/DAPEI

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