Here at Altrincham HQ we love working with those retail outlets and front of house businesses – those businesses you can see on the high street thriving because they’re proactive and market themselves effectively
The Zipyard in Altrincham are a perfect example of this. A business that from their opening in Altrincham saw the power of twitter to promote their business and realized in difficult times if you are to survive on the high street you have to market market market rather than put your head in the sand
At the time Altrincham HQ were brought on board for Social Media Training they’d already built up a number of followers, but wanted to interact more, search out new customers and strengthen their message from broadcast only to a real strong customer service platform that told amazing stories of the work they do for the local community
Richard McConnell from The Zipyard filled us in with one of his recent twitter success stories
“Twitter has played a very important role in promoting my work and finding new customers.
Just recently I was tweeted with a very specific request from a business on twitter. They wanted an adult size Disney Reponzel dress made for a kids party. The customer was unsure if we where able to carry out the job and after a series of tweets later we had an order and a new customer. The business had said they didnt look elsewhere for someone to do this and the first thing they thought about was tweeting us @zipyard . Without doubt if I didnt have a presence on twitter I would have lost this order and what is now a frequent customer.
The success of Twitter doesnt stop there. Throughout the process of making the dress we where able to keep in touch with the customer with an queries and post them pictures of work carried out keeping them up to date. Once finished we again where able to post a picture to them and tell them that is was ready. The customer was soo happy they retweeted the picture and gave us a reccomendation promoting The Zipyard to all their followers.”
This is just one of a few twitter success stories which you can read in our blog here
Would you like twitter to work for you retail outlet? Altrincham HQ can enhance your businesses social media presence so your business thrives
Have a look at our Social Media Training info here or the testimonials section above
Call 07806 774279 or email