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“When we were growing up, 2020 was the year we imagined we’d have flying cars, hover boards and holograms. We didn’t imagine that 2020 would be the year we’d be locked up at home for 3 1/2 months and tentatively taking steps out into the real world in face masks”

That was the discussion point in the pub this weekend

In the business world we’ve seen various discussions on marketing and how the world has changed and therefore marketing must change

For businesses who understand marketing – trust me, there doesn’t need to be a radical change of your marketing. The principles of marketing haven’t changed

For businesses who have been spamming, hard selling, putting out content that adds noise, but not value – the principles of marketing still haven’t changed … it’s just that you never understood the principles and therefore YOU, not Marketing, must change fast!!!

The principles of marketing outlined below are relevant in 2020 as they were in 2010, 2000, 1990 and to the beginning of time

This isn’t a look at the 4 Ps or 7 Ps of Marketing – that is another blog in itself, although a lot of the below does touch on the principles of those areas

1. Educate or Entertain = Powerful Marketing
The best marketing does one of 2 things

It educates or it entertains

Sometimes it does both at the same time

And when you educate or entertain you engage your customers / audience which pushes them along the sales process

There are going to be times when the messaging has to be serious, communicating important announcements, empathetic and understanding your audience’s fears and pain points

But equally there are times when a light hearted post is needed to make people laugh

Don’t underestimate the power of the latter and dismiss it as throwaway

You can’t have the dark (Serious) without the light

2. Listen To Your Customers
If you use social media the right way, you’ll be able to find out how your customers are feeling

You’ll see that directly in customers responses to you on social media

You’ll also see the general public sentiment online as well

You’ll also be able to track and measure how people are interacting in the real world as well as online

Your message needs to change and adapt with the feedback you’re getting on a real time basis

Remember to listen to your gut and not just Allan from Facebook who has a problem with everything

3. Have A 2 Way Conversation
Engagement isn’t a new concept

It happened at the corner shop when you grew up

And it happens now on Social Media

Acknowledging those that engage with you on a regular basis is important

Having that free flowing conversation is important

Each week we hero and highlight people who engage with us on Twitter via a longform Facebook update

And just today as I’m writing this blog we’ve won 2 new clients worth £10,000 a year to the business – both of those came about from people we talked to on social media

There’s a huge value in talking to people and post and go on Social Media has never been the right thing to do

4. Reviews Are Important
There are 2 forms of Social Proof

There is showing off what you do – not enough people do this

And there are customers reviewing you

Both are important, but reviews are critical to your business

We have 450+ reviews on LinkedIn that show off our Social Media Training success – our competitors have around 10% of that

And on the 6th July (just over 24 hours after hospitality reopened) one of our clients had already received 6 new reviews – their local competitors last reviews were February and December respectively

Having reviews that are quality, recent and in a great number make it easier for people to spend with you

5. You Have To Break Through The Noise
Now this is where 2020 is different

There was a 43% increase in consumption of social media during lockdown

More eyeballs, more people posting, more businesses competing for attention

It’s getting harder to break through the noise

You have to do something unique and stand out from the thousands of social media posts every single second

What can you do?

Have a content plan, up the production standards, be prepared to try ideas that may fail, repeat the things that work and keep repeating until they stop working

2 things we always suggest are
– Do a competitive analysis of your social media marketing vs the competition – more info here
– Always try and find new interesting accounts to follow regardless of industry

Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation

We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you

Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services

We offer Social Media Training on
* Twitter
* Facebook
* LinkedIn
* Instagram
* Blogging

We can do this
* 121
* Corporate Workshops
* Group Workshops
* Face to Face or Via Zoom / Skype

Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email

Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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