A few years ago we wrote the blog “Should You Give Up Social Media for Lent“
The basis of the blog was that without a social media strategy, Social Media simply won’t deliver results and therefore for those businesses doing something halfheartedly, giving up social media is probably the best thing unless taken seriously
This year we’re looking at additions and improvements you can make to your community, your business, social media and your networking
Lent is not all about giving things up. It’s also about adding good things to our lives or to others’ lives
1. Organise a group night out to a local independent restaurant / bar
2. Post something positive online about your home town once per day
3. Take a walk out to a local park / countryside with friends and switch off from digital for 1 hour
4. Get involved in a local charity event
5. Leave 5 Reviews of your 5 favourite businesses in town
6. Replace every negative media story share with at least 2 positive media story shares
7. Tag your friends on stories from hyperlocal facebook pages / groups – don’t assume they’ll have seen it
8. Encourage those around you to be community minded
9. Say hello to your neighbours more
10. Remember the 1st rule of social media and real life – just be a decent and reasonable human being
11. Aim to increase your profits by 20% year on year
12. Review your goals and make sure you’re on track with your dreams
13. Book on to one training session to increase your earning potential
14. Read 1 business book you’ve always meant to sit down and read
15. Add in processes which streamline day to day activities
16. Get control of you email inbox and reply, file or delete
17. Ensure all unpaid invoices are paid by the end of lent
18. Write down a list of Business Awards to enter this year
19. Make one suggestion to each of your clients that could make them more money
20. Increase your prices within the next 12 months
21. Write a blog on how these suggestions have helped your business
22. Have a written down social media strategy as to what you are looking to achieve via social media
23. Spend 15 minutes each week really understand what is working for you on social media
24. If you’ve never had formal social media training – get social media training
25. Commit to producing at least one piece of new content per day
26. Engage More – on every platform you use
27. Reach out to 4 or 5 local influencers that can help your business grow
28. Use #journorequest to look for PR opportunities
29. Connect with 5 new people on each social network per day
30. Be more human, more adventurous and experimental with social – whilst still staying on brand
31. Accompany a person who has never networked before to their 1st networking event
32. Visit one local networking group you’ve never tried before
33. Request to speak at a networking event for the 1st time
34. Arrange a coffee once per week with a contact you met at networking
35. Email a testimonial to a networking group organiser about how good the event is
36. Refer work to someone in your networking group
37. Ask someone in the networking group “What is the one way that I could really help you grow your business”
38. Share the events link to the next networking meeting you’re going to
39. Introduce 2 people you feel would be a great fit together for business
40. Write notes from introduction rounds and make it a mission to follow up with help
Chat to about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation
We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you
Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services
Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email alex@altrinchamhq.co.uk