“If my employees are active on social media will they get poached by recruiters / head hunters / other companies”
“If we have testimonials from our clients out in public, can’t our competition just steal them”
I’ve heard both of those questions more than once over the past 10 years of working with businesses large and small
And my answer has always been very simple
“Yes you could lose them if they’re unhappy – but if you’re wowing them on a regular basis, the upsides of social media branding are 100 x more important”
I could leave this blog at that sentence alone – but I wanted to delve deep into what could happen with your employees and clients after social media training
Scenario 1
You’ve read the stats before about “On average, your employees are connected to 10 times more people than your company alone.”
You realise that your staff are your best asset and you have a really good team, so you book in social media training
The staff that attend the training walk out of the room absolutely buzzing
There’s a noticeable different in the social media output immediately and suddenly great posts showing off the company culture are all over LinkedIn and Twitter
The company pages updates start reaching a larger audience and over time you notice sales are increasing with more and more people saying they’ve seen the company all over social media
Before long you’re taking on more and more staff to cope with the demand and because you realise social media is so important to your business, every new employee as part of their induction gets booked in for social media training
Scenario 2
You’ve read the stats before about “On average, your employees are connected to 10 times more people than your company alone.”
You realise that your staff are your best asset and you have a really good team, so you book social media training
Within 3 months you notice that a number of your staff have left the business and on exit interviews they all say very similar things
They were approached by another company on social media who offered them a job they couldn’t refuse
You counter offer to try and keep your best staff as you realise that the social media was making a difference to your sales after the training, but they confide in you that they’ve been thinking of leaving for the past 12 months and they’ve not been happy for a long time and how it’s been a plan to leave for a long time
Scenario 1
As part of the social media training one thing you realise you have is a distinct lack of reviews or testimonials. In fact your competitors have got 5 x more than you
So after the social media training you develop a testimonial strategy where all employees are encouraged to ask for testimonials
You notice after 6 weeks you have more reviews in 6 weeks than you have had in the past 6 years
Soon you become known as the company that offers fantastic customer service and great value and you’re positioned as the industry leader in the local area
On the back of the number of reviews you get, your company is the 1st name on peoples lips and the new customer acquisition goes through the roof
Scenario 2
As part of the social media training one thing you realise you have is a distinct lack of reviews or testimonials
The reason you’ve never asked is that you don’t want your competitors to know who you’re working with
However you decide to go out and ask long standing customers for reviews
All is going swimmingly well and in fact you start to gain a lot more new customers based on the new reviews
But 2 years later you start losing some of your older customers
You realise that it’s not that you had customer reviews out in the public domain and that your clients have been poached, but on reflection you’ve become complacent because of the number of customer reviews and not realised that you’re only as good as your last job
So back to what we said at the beginning Social Media has the power to supercharge your business if you train your staff
If your staff or clients leave – they’re not leaving because of social media, but because they’re unhappy
Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation
We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you
Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services Or Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email alex@altrinchamhq.co.uk