At the time of writing this blog #IWasGonnaFollowYouBut is the top trending subject on twitter, so what better time to look further than the obvious “you have an egg for a face” tweets that are filling much of these tweets and showcase some of our recent bugbears on twitter
My Top 10 #IWasGonnaFollowYouBut Tweets
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut your 5000 followers were bought on and it shows
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut your last few tweets have been autofeeds from a twitter newspaper like
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut saw you joined a #followladder thread on a Sunday night
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut you overuse 4sq and check in every single step you take
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut you try to be all things to all people by only tweeting trending topics rather than your own personality
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut the amount of hastags you use in each tweet would be max points on scrabble, but don’t flow as a sentence
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut all your tweets are an rss feed from your blog
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut you don’t support the local community and independents
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut your twitter represents a business, but you use the phrase hun / babe / chick
#IWasGonnaFollowYouBut every engaged tweet with a follower drips in fake sincerity
Do you know tweeters like the above?
What are your twitter bugbears?
Comment below
And of course follow us on twitter @altrinchamhq