It’s the time of year we start thinking of our own aspirations for 2013, but what of our dreams and aspirations for our local town
Altrincham – I have a dream…. well not quite a dream but a few bullet points of thing’s I’d like to see happen in 2013 and I’d love to hear yours as well
1. We start selling Our Unique Story
It’s January and Dancing on Ice is on National TV. I don’t watch the program myself, but for once it’s putting Altrincham on TV for all the right reasons rather than being the poster town for empty units.
As Wayne from the Window Co said on facebook when we brought up the subject “Was thinking the other day, not many small towns that have ice rink, cinema, theatre, football club etc.”
Altrincham has a lot to offer currently – it’s time we started selling it as such – people should be flooding in off the tram and trains with the offer we currently have in terms of leisure and lifestyle
2. Businesses Start Collaborating & Creating Partnerships
One of the best events in Altrincham in recent years has been the Taste Of Trafford. Why does it work so well? Collaboration of marketing activities by all the stall holders and restaurants involved
Businesses could learn a lot from that all year round and we use the example of the old Belgian Bar who used to hand out 10% discount vouchers to Dilli with bills before they started serving their own food
This month we saw Zipyard tweeting “Don’t forget you can pick up a free day pass for @LadyzoneUK at the ZipYard and their members get 10% of all their alterations” – makes perfect sense as once you lose weight you don’t want to buy a new wardrobe
Before Xmas we suggested that The Village Toy Co speak to Gummy Worm about marketing collaborations for the same reason
What do you in business? How can other businesses compliment yours?
3. Traditional Businesses Get More Social
The Vintage Market, Zipyard, Phanthong, Bloom Live, Pitta Crepe – they all have one thing in common – they’ve all used Social Media in 2012 to get word out there that they exist and they’re getting great results from it
But what of the traditional businesses that have been here for years and are still to get Social.
In Altrincham we all have our favourite restaurants, bars & pubs, shops that each have their own unique USPs – next time you’re in there mention to them the need to jump into 2013 with both feet
4. That end of George Street is sorted out
For anybody who walks down George Street it’s clear to see that there’s 2 side to our main retail offer
The problem is the side that has empty units, is the side that we encourage visitors from the town to take advantage of the great value parking, it’s the side where a host of restaurants are based on Regent Rd, it’s the side where the majority of school kids walk through on the way to the tram station
In short when you see a negative tweet about Altrincham you can guarantee 90% it’s inspired by that end of George Street
So landlords – get off your a*se – if you can’t fill the units there are plenty of folks in Altrincham who want to make meanwhile use of the empty shops to inspire confidence in our town
5. Once Businesses Leave You Don’t Send People Out Of Town or Online
Karen Wroe of Art With A Heart mentioned something we’ve been thinking for a while on twitter – why when businesses leave Altrincham do they agressively market that you leave said town and go to the nearby Trafford Centre, Retail Park or other town centres
Why where Pizza Hut is haven’t we got a celebration of our local Italian Restaurants such as Coco’s, Farina and Scalini’s rather than pushing people out to the retail park?
In Burtons why don’t we use it as a celebration of the local clothes boutiques that have popped up recently
Provide the alternative to whats been there before rather than sent people out of town
Next week we’ll bring you 5 More Things You’d Like To See Happen In Altrincham in 2013 from local community leaders
Please leave your own desires for Altrincham 2013 in the comments section below