C-C-C-Changes sang David Bowie back in the day and rare a day goes by that something doesn’t change on Social Media
As 2014 draws to an end we look at the important changes on Social Media and why they rock
Facebook has long has Facebook Insights and allowed you to track the reach of individual posts
2014 was the year that twitter did the same and matured in the Social ROI model (albeit trying to push advertising at the same time)
At Altrincham HQ we’ve long talked about measuring your social media and using tools such as Google Analytics and simple excel spreadsheets to track sales from each marketing channel – so to be able to add a new level of analytics to twitter was a step in the right direction
Twitter Analytics were able to track the number of impressions tweets make (i.e how many times tweets landed on screens), engagement level, Link Clicks, Retweets, Favourites and Replies
You could spend hours every day analysing every single tweet – but to take an overview and benchmark was key for success in 2014
Look at your Twitter Analytics today http://ads.twitter.com
I wrote a lengthy article on LinkedIn itself about “The Number 1 Way To Get Noticed On LinkedIn” and the answer was LinkedIn Articles
2014 was the year that LinkedIn opened up their publisher options to all users and it adds so much value to the LinkedIn Experience
Sure there are those who abuse the LinkedIn Articles feature to simply post News Articles or low quality sales content – but trying to game the system will not work in the long run and poor etiquette will switch people off the pushy salesman
The key with LinkedIn articles is step up, do more than the average and add value to the readers
Read our full article on LinkedIn articles here https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/20141023133450-46315250-the-number-1-way-to-get-noticed-on-linkedin
Facebook has inspired a lot of articles in 2014 – mainly about organic vs paid reach and whether Facebook is worth continuing with in 2015
Short answer – it is – reach for ourselves and the majority of our clients has actually doubled by making simple small changes~
One Facebook change that really stood out for us in 2014 was the Facebook Page Attribution Settings – and inn terms of Facebook Page Interaction and time management this was a big game changer
Previously if it was on brand for a page to respond to another page update you saw in your personal timeline you had to open up another tab > click the “use facebook as XYZ” > go to the said page and comment > change settings back to “use facebook as yourself” ……. in short it was a pain in the ass
Now in 2014 you can interact with any pages simply with one click selection from desktop
Interaction for pages has increased which means greater visibility and increased number of likes for many pages
Let us know in the comments below … or if you need to chat Social Media for your business call 07806774279 / email alex@altrinchamhq.co.uk