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Everybody prostitutes themselves when they 1st start out in business

Desperate for attention, you’re seen as the one who always says YES

Yes to every networking meeting

Yes to every meeting to pick your brains over coffee

Yes to every webinar that you know will try and upsell to you at the end

Yes to every client you know will cause you pain

And then you gain a little self respect and start to say NO more and more often

It takes time and it takes confidence

So what happens when we learn to say no to the bad influences in your life and start saying yes to the positive influences in your life

Sometimes it’s best to Just Say No, just like Zammo – but what happens when you say yes to good stuff

What happens when you say yes to training?
Everything suddenly becomes clear. That is the great power of training – it gives you that clarity that you truly need to run your business, the fog removes itself and you start to find your way and you start to see continual improvements

That is why when you’re in the employed world and work at any great company you have a full induction. The induction is the very thing that gives you the clarity and the ability to do your job. I think that is in many ways the greatest mistake that small businesses make, they simply don’t give themselves the induction to run their business, they muddle through, they make mistakes when really clarity of training could make the journey so much easier

What happens when you say yes to Social Media?
Now I say this with a great degree of experience and expertise, so I can really tell you the absolute truth of what happens when you say yes to Social Media

Myself – I have the absolute ability to reach over half a million screens, which has then enabled me to build the life and business I’ve always wanted. It’s a platform that takes out the middleman, the gatekeepers of traditional media

and allows me to speak directly to the customers and friends support everything I do

I can’t imagine a world without social media for the sheer ease is it enabled me to build my business

So when people say yes to social media they say yes to

More brand awareness

More sales

More repeat purchases

What happens when you say yes to networking?
Let me tell you I’ve won business from networking events where there have been five people in the room and I have won business from networking events that have had 60 people in the room

That said I don’t approach networking with the intention of going into sales mode or winning business. I approach networking as a way to get to know people, to help people and to build real relationships. And it’s real relationships

build the business. Actually giving a shit about other people is a winning move

And don’t be mistaken for thinking that networking is just for B2B or professional services businesses. When you have a networking event that has 60 people in the room and that is often more than you’ve had customers in your shop or restaurant in the past three days isn’t it worth taking a couple of hours out of your day to meet potential customers? Networking should be equally be for B2C it is B2B

What happens when you say yes to blogging and content marketing?
Since I started Altrincham HQ 10 years ago I’ve written over 430 blogs. That has enabled me to educate, to inform and to give value to my audience.

We talk often about customer touch points in the sales process with various experts claiming it takes anywhere between 7 and 12 touch points to make a sale. Think about how blogging adds extra touch points to the journeys and speeds up

the sales process. If you can show expertise and experience in your blogs time and time again, week in week out then that is using the power of attraction and content marketing to grow your business

It’s that extra content that means I simply don’t compete with other companies on price

That is an absolutely huge advantage when it comes to doing business. If you have a static website that is essentially 4 pages that never change, your value proposition is going to come down to competing on price. And no one wants that

Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation

We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you

Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services

Or Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email

7 Tips For 7 Social Networks


Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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