Tova Schprecher doesn’t use Social Media personally. She prefers to spend her spare time in the moment, spending quality time with her family.
But when it comes to business she’s found that LinkedIn is an absolute powerhouse for business. English isn’t her mother tongue so there are barriers, but it hasn’t stopped her LinkedIn posts getting between 80-150 comments on average.
We look at why Tova feels you should invest time on social media for actual results, otherwise what’s the point
We also talk about why her social media content is about the results she brings for clients rather than herself
LinkedIn For Photographers seems like an obvious fit so we dived deep
Q: Tova – can you introduce yourself to our readers and tell us a little about what your business does?
I’m a photographer. I like to help other business owners to look their best online and now I’ve started to help with videos as well.
Q: I know personally that you’re not a big fan of tech and prefer quality family time, but you use social media for business. What is your relationship with social media and if it wasn’t for business would you use it all?
I use Social Media only for business, nothing personal.
I do find it very challenging to read other people posts and to reply. English is not my mother tongue so it can be a barrier in I don’t want to have spelling or grammar mistakes
Q: You’ve been in business since 2002. Social Media wasn’t around then. Can you remember when you 1st joined social media for business and when / how you won your 1st client from Social Media?
I tried during the years to do Facebook but wasn’t successful. I found it time consuming and I got clients from other places, so didn’t really need it. My clients back then anyway didn’t use social media. Last year and especially when Covid started I decided to focus on LinkedIn
Q: We 1st connected in 2017 and then we did a social media training session in March 2020. What was it about our social media posts and ourselves that said “I need to work with this person?”
As I wanted to use Social Media the best way possible, I knew that if I did it, it should be with results and not time consuming.
I remember I asked a friend do you see results from social media and he said not at all it’s just to put my name out there. I didn’t like the answer. I said to myself if I do it, I want to invest the time and to get results, otherwise what’s the point?
Q: LinkedIn for Photographers – what were your big takeaways from the social media training session?
I remember before the session I asked you to give me recommendation of people that had done your training
You gave me Martin (Hambleton) details and he was very supportive and encouraging. He told me “Alex will teach you, but you have to do the job afterwards”
I came ready knowing that I have to invest time on Social Media and wanted to know the right direction, but managing it with not too much time as well.
Q: What I love about your LinkedIn updates is your “Which is your favourite?” posts – very simple posts that work. They get an average of 70-150 comments per post. How many people do they reach normally and do these posts directly lead to people approaching you for work?
It took me a while till I found what works the best for me. When I saw that people like to share their opinions, it was fantastic. I enjoy reading what people are thinking and sometimes they give me good ideas for future sessions.
Q: I scrolled back through your posts over the last 2 months and I noticed you don’t have a face as your LinkedIn Profile photo. Was it a conscious decision to make your businesses social media more about your work than you? And does that go back to what we said at the beginning about not being a big fan of tech?
I removed my photos from all media including my website last week as well from private reasons. I’m focusing on the results I deliver. Showing people what I can do for them.
Q: At the time of this interview you have 46 LinkedIn Recommendations. How important are recommendations for your business?
It is very important for myself to see what my clients think and for potential clients to read. It makes it easier for them to book with me
Q: The 1st line of your LinkedIn about section says “Ask yourself does your image show professionalism, confidence, and who you really are?”. I know you booked our Social Media Training session through LinkedIn, but as a business owner does social media professional play a part in your buying decisions? I.e would you buy from someone who had an unprofessional LinkedIn profile or would it put you off?
Yes and no. It really depends.
Sometimes a person doesn’t have a professional photo, but all of his LinkedIn looks fantastic or vice versa.
But of course we have first impression and a good looking photo as opposed to an unprofessional one makes a big difference, especially if you don’t know the person
It’s like you meet a very nice person and their clothing doesn’t match their professionalism
Q: We’ve talked a lot about LinkedIn. Do any of the other channels work for you as a business tool?
Not at the moment. Now I focus only on LinkedIn
Q: If you had to pick 3 (non marketing) people to follow on LinkedIn who would they be and why?
Dena Ackerman. I love to see her art and posts –
Michael the tailor he has some similar posts to me –
I like people who post with photos
Q: Lastly – for anyone reading this who is thinking “I hate LinkedIn” – what would you say to them to convince them to join?
I don’t like to convince people
For everyone something different can work well
You have to enjoy it, but if the willing to try I’d tell them to do it the right way and get a training
And then follow the steps otherwise it’s a waste of time.
For more info on Tova Photography check out
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