The Pen Is Mightier than the Sword it was once said… that’s why we blog so much… the power of instant communication to those that are truly interested in what you say rather than those with a passing interest ala the newspaper is what makes blogging so great
In contrast to our Top 10 Most Searched Local Businesses At Altrincham HQ we’re actually going to start our Top 10 Countdown with Number 1 first
1. The Worst Customer Service Experience I Had Ever Had In 34 Years… at Tesco’s Altrincham
I’m not sure if this had the drama of Shakespeare’s best work or was as ranty as a Channel 5 Drama, but it obviously struck a chord with people
Customer Service in Altrincham is one of the most talked about subjects of the year and our most read blog of the year
In fairness Tesco’s did manage to turn up around as the follow up blog we’ve included here testifies to
2, Asda Plan A 40,000 Sq ft Supermarket in Broadheath
When this blog went viral we did considered setting up an Altrincham Supermarkets HQ website
Is the supermarket good or bad for the area and Altrincham Town Centre
It certainly was a talking point in the last month of the year
3. 10 Ways Local Altrincham Residents Can Ethically Spend Post Portas
We didn’t get a the Portas money… we didn’t get the TV Show…. we didn’t get an ego floating into town claiming to save the world
By reading this Altrincham residents realised they could inject their local high street with vitality
A must read if you live * work * breathe * love Altrincham
4. 5 Businesses That Deliver Great Customer Service in Altrincham
Did we pick the right 5? Do we spend far to much time in bars and restaurants?
In 2013 we’re going to do a follow up to this as we believe there are many great businesses we didn’t highlight in our initial blog early this year
What do you think of these selections
5. #Followladder #FollowBus or just #HollowFollow
Every single Sunday night we used to avoid twitter as pointless spammy followback sessions started where random tweeters followed random tweeter and everybody patted themselves on the back
Actually we lied about the avoiding twitter bit – we got in people’s faces and directed them to this blog to show them the error of the ways
Luckily Sunday nights are now free of this rubbish now
6. How to Win £7000 worth of Business On Twitter?
Twitters just for small purchases like restaurants and nightclubs isn’t it?
How we loved it when we could show this blog to the world about how twitter is about BIG BIG ORDERS as well
Prestige Nick was a smiley chappy when he told us of this
7. Don’t Ever Be The Emma Bunton Of Social Media
The blog where I got to be the Jack Dee or Morrissey of Social Media and wipe a few smiles off a few cheesy faces
But seriously – unless you’re on a Prozac and have a split personality you really don’t mean or believe everything you tweet
A ranty blog over the Americanisation and Daz White Smile of some Social Media folk
8. Twitter Success Stories in Manchester
What do you get if you put together a HR Consultant, Personal Trainer, Website Designer, Farming Trades Mag and a Chauffeur?
Probably a very poor joke …. or much better…. a great blog about some local twitter success stories you can learn from
9. Regeneration Of Altrincham and What We Can Learn From Sydney Opera House
This Summer I visited Australia for a couple of weeks and saw some great ideas at Sydney Opera House that will hopefully be included in the regeneration of Altrincham Hopspital and the Market Area
If this or similar ideas are implemented … remember where you read it first
10. Tweeter Of The Day Altrincham
We haven’t ran the #tweeteroftheday #altrincham idea for a long while
But at the time our town needed talking about, promoting heavily and people tweeting on a daily basis
At the time very few businesses were thinking hyper local and using hashtags
This blog helped kickstart the use of the #altrincham hashtag – so those using #saletown learn from this
So these are the Top 10 Most Popular Blogs… but which is your favourite blog we’ve written this year – please let us know in the comments section below
Social Media and local businesses marketing Help is just an email away so please email or call 07806 774279