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“Nothing worth having comes easy” – Roosevelt could have been talking about Social Media in 2019

As a Social Media company looking who offers social media training I shouldn’t really be saying that out loud

But I believe in honesty and truth Success only comes with training and hard work

It’s with that in mind that our latest blog is a warning against Social Media Automation and the idea that after taking a little pill (ok, a £15-30 a month subscription to software you can sit back and do nothing on social media whilst the money flows in as automation does everything from follower growth, bulk messaging to engagement)

This blog is a reminder that Nothing worth having comes easy – a warning against social media automation

You can’t take a little pill to bypass Meet Like Know Trust

Whether you left school at 18 or went on to study at University – education was hard work

There may be exceptions to the rule that did absolutely zero revision and walked away with an A Star

But the majority of people who say they did zero work for their exams and got top grades are liars

Education is years of hard work followed by intensive revision and studying sessions

I recently went back to study for a Fitness Instructor Qualification and I passed – but it brought back to me how much hard work studying is and how much it takes over your life

The CPD process helps you manage your own development on an ongoing basis

I believe the greatest thing about living in the age of changing technology is that whatever industry you’re involved in, you can’t become complacent

In order to stay at the top of your game and the forefront of your industry you have to attend training and learning sessions

Every person has to have one eye on the present and one eye on the future and there is no guarantee your business will be around in 10/20/30 years time

Long term success is based on the concept of “Nothing worth having comes easy”


If you’ve only known me over the past few years you’ll know I haven’t always been this healthy or fit

I used to weigh nearly 20 stone and I want to remind you that getting in the shape I am now wasn’t easy

It came from making major lifestyle changes and it certainly didn’t come from buying into a MLM or Networking Marketing product which promised if I popped a pill or took a shake each day that 8 stone would drop off me in 8 weeks

That’s the thing about those products – it’s not just fitness professionals that can see through them, it’s the wider public (apart from the gullible) that see right through it

So if you’re looking to market your business – why do you believe a little pill can run your whole social media successfully?


If you’re married you’ll remember the line “To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.”

Marriage is considered a lifelong commitment

Marriage is something to be worked on and if you don’t work on it sooner or later it will end up with divorce

I’ve not got children But I see it from the point of view as an adult with both parents still being alive

“You never stop being a parent” really is true

I see it in the things my mum says to me and way that mum is always despite me being 40 and her being 73

Parenthood doesn’t stop at the point your children reach 18 and it’s a lifelong commitment

Passive income is a lie

We touched on that briefly on the health section above

Trust me – you’re not going to put in 4 hours a week selling a MLM / Network marketing product and walk away with a full time wage or the holy grail of passive income

You don’t get money for nothing

Money isn’t easy.

It needs constant attention and the way you earn more money be it as an employee or a business owner is hard work 

As you’ve seen from the above Nothing worth having comes easy

The important things in life take
– Hard Work
– Commitment
– Passion
– Education

Social Media isn’t as important as Health, Marriage or Children – but if you’re a small business it’s absolutely vital to the success of your business

Be wary of people who tell you social media is easy

Be wary of the people who offer you the magic pill of automation

When something seems to good to be true it usually is

Nothing worth having comes easy


Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation

We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you

Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services


Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email

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Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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