“If you’re not making sales, you have a very expensive hobby”
In this week’s blog we’re looking at Sales and Why People Buy
Often when businesses come to us for social media training or social media management that word SALES is at the front of their mind. They realise that the number of followers, likes, comments and shares don’t pay the bills and they actually need some sales / more sales for their business to either survive or grow
It’s a widely quoted stat from Nielsen that “93% of buying decisions are influenced by social media”
Below we’ll be taking an overview of Sales: Why Do People Buy and how you can make more sales
1. Visibility – they know you exist
It may sound like the most simplistic statement, but if people know about you then people can buy from you
If people don’t know about you, then sales won’t be forthcoming
Everyone knows of Coca Cola, Pepsi, McDonalds, Starbucks et all because the companies have invested billions into marketing to ensure that everyone knows about them
They’re the default choices for soft drinks, fast-food and coffee because of their omnipresence
You might not need everyone in the world to know you exist
You might just need enough people in your home town to know your exist
You might just need enough people into your type of offering to know you exist
A new business we recently posted about on social media reached around 37,000 people in a town with a population of 52,000
How do you think they’re doing?
Yes, you guessed it right – they’ve been absolutely packed to the rafters
2. Personality – they actually like you
Meet Like Know Trust
It’s been drilled in to me since the very 1st day I started networking over a decade ago
For people to do business with you they actually have to like you
For professional services firms the differentiator in what you offer is often the person / people behind the business
There are a million accountants, solicitors, IFA’s, architects, graphic designers, web designers … even social media marketers
Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there on social media
Get your face on social media and talk about what your passions are outside of work
You’ll attract the right people and push away the people you don’t want to work with
Don’t believe me – I’ve attracted clients to my business simply because I often talk about music, running and whatever latest vegan food launch there’s been
Similarly, there are people who will never work with me because of those 3 things and that’s fine
3. Need / Want – you solve something or fill a hole
People will buy from you because you fill that need or want or desire
People come to us for social media training because they NEED to improve their social media marketing and generate more sales for their business
On the flipside I buy far too many vegan donuts and brownies from around Altrincham because I WANT a sweet treat after running stupid distances each weekend
Needs and wants – both different, but both reasons people will buy from you
How can you show up regularly and display
– How you solve something?
– How you fill that want / hole?
Keep coming back to that on a regular basis
4. Reputation – reviews back up that you’re great
The only people who will tell you reviews don’t matter, are people without any reviews
If people are looking at buying from you, they want the assurance that people are happy with your services
As a business owner there are numerous places you can display reviews from LinkedIn, Facebook, Google, Trustpilot and then specialist websites for your industry
As we work with lots of professional services firms, we choose LinkedIn for our main portal
We have 530+ reviews there
What does that say
1. We’ve served a lot of people
2. Lots of people are happy to put in writing how happy they are with us
Take a look at your review sites and ask yourself does your online presence say the same?
5. Value – they feel it’s money well spent
There needs to be a value exchange
People need to feel they’re getting fair exchange for the money spent
If someone books on to a half days social media training of ours, they need to feel they will generate more in sales from that session
At the time of writing this blog (June 2021) our prices are £175pp
We’ve never had one person in over a decade come back to us and say I followed exactly what you advised to the letter and it didn’t work
Our customers feel it’s money well spent
Going back to the needs or wants we talked about earlier – do you customers feel money spent with you will be a fair exchange?
Any more questions on Sales: Why Do People Buy – look below
Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation
We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you
Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services
We offer Social Media Training on
* LinkedIn
* Instagram
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Blogging
We can do this
* 121
* Corporate Workshops
* Group Workshops
* Face to Face or Via Zoom / Skype
Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email alex@altrinchamhq.co.uk