What should you be measuring on LinkedIn?
It’s a question that many people simply don’t consider
Imagine you’ve got the LinkedIn headshot, you’ve optimised your LinkedIn Profile and you post consistently on LinkedIn
And yet despite all of that you’re not getting the results you’d expect from LinkedIn
The problem is you’re probably not looking at the metrics to fuel better content that speaks to your audience
In this week’s blog we look at LinkedIn: What Should You Be Measuring?
What should you be measuring?
What actions can you take from it?
How can you improve your marketing and increase your sales on LinkedIn
LINKEDIN SSI (Social Selling Index)
We’ve covered the LinkedIn SSI score in-depth in previous blogs so after reading this one I’d 100% recommend you read these 2 blogs
What Is The LinkedIn Social Selling Index?
What the LinkedIn Social Selling Index Doesn’t Tell You
1. The LinkedIn SSI score is a great motivator to get people active on the platform
2. It gives you a handy overview of the areas you might need to improve on
3. It’s good for gamifying Employee Advocacy and getting numerous staff more active on LinkedIn
1. It’s an indication of activity on LinkedIn rather than actual selling
2. LinkedIn will give you a higher score if you pay for LinkedIn Premium
3. There are many caveats where you need common sense – these are highlighted on What the LinkedIn Social Selling Index Doesn’t Tell You blog
“Who viewed your profile” is a statement of intent on LinkedIn
IMHO it’s one of key metrics you should be looking at on LinkedIn
There are 4 main reasons people will view your profile
1. They’re looking to buy from you (and they’re also looking at the competition)
2. You’ve posted something that has piqued their interest – this can be your updates or comments (don’t disregard the latter)
3. They’re looking to sell to you
4. They’re looking to recruit / headhunt you
1. No other platforms tells you exactly who has viewed your profile – it’s absolute gold
2. It tells you whether your profile views have gone up or down since last week
3. It tells you either A) which mutual connections you have in common or B) how they found you
1. You only see the last 5 people who viewed your profile if on the free version of LinkedIn
2. Some people view your profile in private mode – there are very few instances i’d recommend using LinkedIn Private Mode
3. It can be demoralising if you’re not a regular LinkedIn user and the number is small – don’t worry with work this can be turned around
Under each of your posts you’ll see how many people have viewed your posts
Now to give you an idea how varied that can be here’s how our posts do
In the last 2 years we’ve had posts that have reached just 300 people and posts that have reached 109,000 people
The average reach for our posts however is between 2000-3000
I’m happy with that as not only does it give us visibility, but it actually drives sales which is the important thing
1. It tells you at a glance how your content is performing in terms of reach
2. It tells you the companies, job titles and locations of people who have viewed your posts
3. This information allows you to produce better content that’s geared towards your ideal clients
1. It can mean you chase likes and views rather than focus on business results
2. A post view simply means it’s landed on someone’s screen – it doesn’t necessarily mean they’ve read it in-depth
3. There is no dashboard built into LinkedIn to compare your posts apart from scrolling
I’ve included Shield in this blog as a bonus tip
It’s a bonus tip because it’s an external website from LinkedIn and is a paid for option
I’ve been using Shield since January 2021 and it’s helped me produce better content and see my analytics on a easy to read dashboard
There are various dashboards you can use, but the one I keep coming back to time and time is the Content Report on the Year To Date Option
From that I can see whether the following have gone up or down year on year
– Post Views
– Likes
– Comments
– Shares
– Engagement Rate
– Number Of Posts
– Followers
Importantly I can reorder the posts from popular to least popular which solves some of the problems from LinkedIn themselves
1. You can look at trends and adjust your activity accordingly
2. You can see your best performing posts at a glance
3. You can track and compare different employees
1. IMHO the user interface is a little fiddly
2. You have to use tags to get the most out of it and that takes time
3. Like on LinkedIn – It can mean you chase likes and views rather than focus on business results
Has this blog on LinkedIn: What Should You Be Measuring? left you with a few questions?
Maybe you have the desire to improve what you’re doing after seeing the results?
Simply get in touch and we can help you discover your greatness within
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Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email alex@altrinchamhq.co.uk