Working in Social Media Marketing can be a draining experience
A truly life sucking experience which in times of a pandemic and during political turmoil almost needs social media marketers to access post-trauma treatment
During the early part of the 2020 Pandemic I found myself indulging in external things (such as music, running and the outdoors). As winter and Tier 3 lockdown is coming in I’ve been lost. Staring at screens for hours not really doing anything.
Worst of all for someone who’s been blogging since 1999 with all the stress in Manchester I’ve lost my writing mojo. I can write tweets and LinkedIn posts, but have really been struggling with creative ideas for blogs.
This blog is about Finding The Joy in Social Media Marketing (Again) and writing a blog to help others
It’s been a tough year – let’s work on these struggles together
5 things that really help me are below ..
One of the best feelings in the world is getting that inbox on LinkedIn saying XXX has left you a recommendation. And then clicking on it and reading the kind words that people have said about you
I did it just before writing this blog. This was just a small part of it
“I underwent LinkedIn training years ago but it paled in comparison to the way Alex delivers his course. He is smart, engaging, humble and honest.”
It’s an ongoing joke that LinkedIn isn’t a dating site, but if I could take everyone out who’d left a LinkedIn Recommendation they’d be better wing(wo)men than all my closest friends.
What happens when you share your reviews or testimonials is that they start a circle of joy where more and more people give you compliments and your spirits lift
95% of people want the best for those they know offline and online
It really is heartwarming to see that
A win is a win
Never forget that
When it comes to social media we often think in terms of the huge headlines
The wins where an £15,000 order comes in for a client or the one post that generates 400 sales
Both of those have happened for businesses we’ve worked with
But in-between all those wins there’s the small wins that we all should celebrate. The family that books the meal and spends £100. The £25 orders. The comments of support, the shares, the likes
All the things which cumulatively help our clients, our business and shouldn’t be ignored
Big caveat here in that stats alone can be nothing but vanity metrics
But this blog is about Finding The Joy in Social Media Marketing (Again)
Just for one moment I want you to look at the number of people that follow you on social media; the number of people your posts reach; the number of people who liked / commented / shares your last post
Whether those figures are in single figures, double figures or bigger numbers I want you to close your eyes and imagine yourself on stage. Now imagine all those people in front of you listening to you. 2600 people and you’ve just spoke on the Manchester Academy stage. 3500 you’ve sold out Manchester Apollo. 21000 people and you’ve filled Manchester Arena
That’s pretty powerful
If someone asked you to speak at a zoom networking event and 20 people were there you’d consider that a success
Be proud that people follow you and engage with you
The part I really love about social media is the social aspects
I like people. I like expressing how I feel. I like giving people comments in support
Commenting on other people’s posts, especially when you’re lost in terms of writing long form content, is a real joy
We’re naturally social creatures and whilst social media has always been a great partner of face 2 face, for many it’s now the only way to stay in touch with each other
Next time you’re feeling down about social media take 10 minutes out of what you’re doing and comment on other people’s posts. Not for the politics, the one upmanship or show your expertise. Just for the joy of conversation
I know sometimes if you’ve been working on your businesses social media all day, the last thing you want to do is be social media again
But I really see social for social switching off in the same way as reading a book, watching Netflix or listening to music
I might not spend hours on personal social media, but I usually post something once a day on my personal Facebook
It’s usually based around my passions of music, running, food or just something that amuses me
But it’s nice to interact with friends without thinking about the “social media marketing strategy” as everything else in work has to be
When it comes to Finding The Joy in Social Media Marketing – what are you big tips?
Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation
We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you
Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services
We offer Social Media Training on
* LinkedIn
* Instagram
* Facebook
* Twitter
* Blogging
We can do this
* 121
* Corporate Workshops
* Group Workshops
* Face to Face or Via Zoom / Skype
Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email