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Who told you that December had to be quiet?

In years of running a business I’ve come across 2 types of people – those who enjoy all that December brings, but still treat it as a normal month in business …. and those that start December 1st with the mindset that December is the quiet month

Funnily enough the latter also consider January a quiet month, June-August as quiet months …. well every single month has a reason to be quiet doesn’t it

Here is some December motivation to make you think about why December is business as usual!!!

1. If you treat December as a lazy month – be prepared for a quiet January, February and March

December Motivation 1

2. Don’t put off to January what you can do in December

December Motivation 2

3. A minute wasted in December – is 2 minutes catching up in January

December Motivation 3

4. There’s always an excuse for a quiet month – Christmas just happens to be the excuse for December

December Motivation 4

5. December is 8.3% of your year – imagine looking back at your life at 70 wishing you could have that 8.3% back

December Motivation 5

6. Christmas is a time for giving – giving your business the best shot at success, not giving up on business

December Motivation 6

7. Be grateful for everything you’ve achieved this year – take time out to reflect on how far you’ve come

December Motivation 7

8. Be happy for the success of others around you and learn what they do well

December Motivation 8

9. How you end the year is a reflection of how hard you worked the rest of the year – work hard, always!

December Motivation 9

10. Write down all your goals for next year and display them where you work every day

December Motivation 10

11. Never end December on a low – it will set the tone for the next 12 months

December Motivation 11

12. Who told you December had to be quiet? A Successful Business or a Failing one

December Motivation 12

The greatest gift you can give yourself is the gift of learning – share this with someone who needs to read it

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Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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