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We are not for everyone.

Altrincham HQ has been running for 15 years, has 800+ reviews, and has worked with the likes of the BBC, Costa Coffee, Manchester City, Selfridges, and hundreds (maybe even thousands) of small businesses.

We tend to attract smart, ambitious yet down-to-earth business owners.

But in this blog, I want to highlight 7 reasons we’re not the social media training company for you.

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you’re expecting us to bend over backwards convincing you that social media works.

Social Media has been around for 20 years. We’ve been in marketing for 25 years and specifically working in social media for 15 years.

If you’re expecting us to deliver an hour-long presentation to convince you that social media works, then we’re not the company for you.

I could roll out the stats such as:

  • Over 86% of the UK population uses social media (and goes on to influence those who don’t).
  • 93% of purchasing decisions are influenced by social media.
  • People spend 2.5 hours a day on social media.

But it’s easier to ask:

  • Have you ever bought anything, done anything, or talked about something because of social media?
  • How long do you, your family members, or team use social media?
  • Can you name a business within 5 minutes of your front door that uses social media?

If you don’t realize its power, I’m not going to try and convince you. If you truly want to improve your marketing, I’m here for a conversation.

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you’re not prepared to put the work in post-training.

Social Media Marketing is work.

I won’t hide it.

I won’t lie and say you can produce a year’s worth of content in a day.

You’re more than likely going to have to put in 4+ hours to make social media work for your business.

Our social media training will give you the knowledge and a plan to make social media work for you, but you need to do the work!

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you want a list of 30 prompts to make life easier.

Our social media strategy clients walk away with at least 25 ideas for their business’s social media.

They are unique and specific to their business.

What you won’t get from us is the same list of prompts that some trainers give to their clients.

If you scroll on social media, you’ll have seen the repetitive “3 ways you can work with me” / “Ask A Question” / “Post An Offer”.

The trainers often get these prompts from a trainer who trains the trainer, and all they change is the brand colours in Canva.

So if you want to look and sound like everybody else… sorry, we’re not for you!

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you want to spend 45 minutes producing a reel / TikTok.

We love Reels and TikTok.

Some of those reels have gone on to reach 30,000 people.

One of our clients’ reels has gone on to reach over 1 million people.

But we’re into making marketing as frictionless as possible.

So if you’re looking for someone to show you how to make reels of you jumping to catch the sun while changing costumes 15 times… and spending 45 minutes filming and 2 hours editing… then we’re not the people for you.

On the other hand, if you want simple techniques to produce reels and TikToks in under 5-10 minutes, then we welcome you with open arms.

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you want to be part of an engagement pod.

Engagement pods are groups where members agree to like, comment, and share each other’s social media posts to artificially boost visibility.

Pods are often used on LinkedIn or Instagram rather than Facebook or Twitter.

Usually organized on platforms like WhatsApp, what often happens is a three-stage process:

  • Individual posts.
  • Copy the link into a WhatsApp group and ask for likes and comments.
  • 30 members like and comment.

It’s easy to be seduced and tempted into joining engagement pods.

At Altrincham HQ, we’re about serious business – not artificial engagement to boost your ego.

Remember, likes, comments, and shares don’t pay the bills – actual business does.

If you want an engagement pod as part of your social media training, we are not for you (and I’d advise walking away from anyone who encourages engagement pods).

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you believe social media success is solely based on follower count rather than engagement and conversions.

“Alex – can you help me get to 5000 followers in 3 months?”

No, but I can help you have a strategy where you’re actually driving sales.

Some businesses do need a larger number of followers, for instance, hospitality businesses that need thousands of customers a year to break even, but for most businesses, follower numbers are a vanity metric.

Take one of our clients with just over 1000 followers: they get 10 likes per post and yet they still rake in thousands of sales a month from social sales. The social media works as a perfect showcase to get in front of the right clients who convert.

On the other hand, I walk past businesses that have 5000+ followers and never ever seem busy.

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you’re looking for shortcuts rather than investing in long-term strategy and growth.

Altrincham HQ has been around for 15+ years.

My previous business 14 years.

Our oldest client has been in business for 30 years.

Our focus in business has always been investing in long-term strategy and growth.

Sure, we can focus on quick and meaningful growth, but we’ll never use the words hacks, cheats, or sneaky techniques.

Our meaningful shortcut is bridging your knowledge gap and sound strategy rather than winging it.

We’re not the social media training company for you … if you’re just ticking a box.

Does this sound familiar?

You tried social media for 3 weeks and it didn’t work… so you gave up.

And then you advertised in the local online newspaper twice and it didn’t work… so you gave up.

And then you tried leaflet delivery and 2000 leaflets didn’t work… so you gave up.

And then you paid for a new website and that didn’t work in 4 weeks… so you gave up.

And within 3 months, you’ve spent your whole marketing budget for a year.

We’re for the businesses that know social media is for life, rather than just ticking this month’s box.

Looking for authentic ways to grow your social media

Chat to us about Social Media Marketing for YOUR organisation , so we can better understand YOU and what will grow your organisation

We can chat about whether online or Face 2 Face is better for you

We can only find out what is unique to your business by chatting with you

Look at our Social Media Training and Social Media Management services

We offer Social Media Training on
* LinkedIn
* Instagram
* Facebook
* Twitter
* TikTok
* Blogging

We can do this
* 121
* Corporate Workshops
* Group Workshops
* Face to Face or Via Zoom / Skype

Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email

Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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