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Social Media is a wonderful tool … it’s just that sometimes the people that use it are, well, tools!!!

In the last 12 months alone we’ve spent 2400 hours managing Social Media Accounts for clients

Here are 10 Twitter Mistakes That Businesses Make Daily

Take note and read to the end of this article because chances are you’ve done at least one of them

People Like To Buy
1. Every Single Tweet Being A Sales Message

If you ever want to witness sales hell in real life walk into a Phone Shop

If you ever want to witness sales hell on twitter simply follow accounts that do nothing on twitter but try and sell you shit

People like to buy, but people don’t like to be sold to

If you’re one of the accounts that does nothing but sell – try talking to your customers, understanding what makes them tick and delight them with what you tweet. Sales will still come

Tagging People In Twitter Photos
2. Tagging People In Photo’s They’re Not Actually In

There’s a prompt that comes up when you upload a Twitter photo that ask “Who’s In This Photo?”

Now my eyesight can be a little iffy at times, but I don’t think I’ve read that as tag people who aren’t in the photo in this photo as a sly marketing tool

It’s very simple – only tag people / busineses in the photo that are actually in the photo

Twitter Is About 121
3. Tagging In Multiple Accounts Asking For A RT, when you’ve never even said hello personally

When we started daily tweeting about our hometown back in 2009 we were the only local twitter account doing it

Fast forward 6 years and there’s a few accounts doing what we did back in 2009

The thing is – all the accounts have different interests, different passions and different networks with the connection of us being passionate about our local town

So instead of treating local town accounts as one and the same – listen to what they post, be personal, say hello, even have a conversation with us

The true benefit of twitter it’s about relationship building and 121 communications

Twitter - Unfollowing and Following
4. Following and Unfollowing on a regular basis to try and get a follow back

In our Social Media Training we always describe Following a User like a tap on the shoulder to say “look I’m interested in what you’re saying”

When they turn round and look at your tweets, the user makes a decision as to whether to follow back based on your tweets and content

If they don’t followback – repeatedly unfollowing and following back may get the users attention, but for all the wrong reasons

Focus on quality content and your followers will build

New Follows or Unfollows - No One Cares
5. Automated Tweets saying how many people have followed or unfollowed you that week

To put it simply – no one cares how many people followed you or unfollowed you that week

Your fans will love to celebrate your milestones with you – those big moments where you hit the 100s, the 1000s – but a weekly update on your followers list is irrelevant

Head into your twitter settings, click the apps options and revoke access to the website posting it each week

Twitter Users Aren't Necessarily Facebook Fans
6. Automated DMs asking people to like your Facebook Page

People have followed you on twitter because that’s the platform they want to spend their time on and follow your updates

This doesn’t mean they A) Use Facebook or B) Want To Follow You On Facebook As Well

It’s ok to thank people for the follow, make it personal and talk about them rather than at them – but to sell (which asking them to like a facebook is) on the 1st contact pushes more people away than it draws them in

If you’re doing this – just track the response you get to them and you’ll see it really isn’t hitting the mark anyway

Twitter Hours Are A Big Turn Off
7. Over-Tweeting during Twitter Hours

It’s pretty hard to over tweet – Twitter is so fast moving and people dip in and out throughout the day for real time updates

But there’s a caveat to that – You Can Over-tweet and most of the guilty parties do it during Twitter Hours

We’ve talked about Twitter Hours before so we don’t dwell on them – but 40 Retweets + an hour during a designated Twitter Hour ala #cheshirehour or #northwesthour is probably enough to make people hit the mute or unfollow button

Keep Calm And Don't Rant
8. Ranting

We recently ran a Twitter poll where 63% of voters were less likely to buy from a company that trolls or engages with trolls

Read the same for Twitter Ranters as well

In my hometown I know people who no longer check the local town search because of ranters and that’s to the detriment of the town itself sadly.

It’s also to the detriment of the said ranters other business interests

You Abuse. You Lose

Twitter Quote Button Vs Reply
9. Using The Quote Button Instead Of Reply

The difference between the Quote Button and the reply is

The Quote Button is designed to add value to all of your followers

The Reply Button is designed to add value to the original tweeter

If you’re using the Quote button ensure you are adding value to your followers and not just creating noise to appeal to your ego

You can just retweet if you have no value to add

10. Trendjacking Inappropriate Subjects

If someone has died it’s probably not the best subject to trendjack to sell your product

And yet with all the celebrity deaths of 2016 so far I’ve seen people do just that

Literally as hard faced and Cynical as

“Who Is Up For A Drink Today? #davidbowie #lemmy” …. and so on

Don’t do it

If you want to chat to us about an effective marketing plan for your business

Please call Alex on 07806774279 or email

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Alex McCann

Author Alex McCann

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